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We are proud to announce that during the past months Nextfour has been working with a Finnish bio material and high tech company Stick Tech. Stick Tech produces aesthetic and cost-effective fiber reinforcements for dental care.

In the ongoing project our team developed a unique system that will be used for both curing and calibrating the fiber reinforcements. The system consists of two completely new production devices and a PC software that controls them.

The electrics and automation design began by choosing the right components. After this it was time for the main electrics design where the coupling of components was designed. Automation design was done by using !LOGO by Siemens. This was an inspiring experience for the project’s electrics and automation designer Timo Välimäki;

“!LOGO series proved to be a great tool for creating simple automation solutions. This definitely was the most interesting part of the project for me.”

One of the project’s strong suites was close co-operation between experts from different fields. Electrics design and software development worked together from the start to running tests and installing the final product. Also Nextfour’s UX designer Hanna Kulmala was excited about working in an interdisciplinary team;

“I do believe that following the development of the actual, physical devices helped to design a better user interface. One example of this is that there is a specific way that the furnaces are placed at Stick Tech. Now we were able to take it into account in the UI design and improve the system’s work flow.”

The system is now nearly finished and Nextfour would like to thank Stick Tech for the collaboration. We are looking forward to more interesting projects with the Finnish bio industries.