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This year Nextfour hired five summer trainees: Sabina Bäck, Eevi Tiittanen, Robert Kantero, Kasperi Hallstedt and Jerri Pinomäki. They are young professionals with wide range skills and mindsets eager to learn new. Our trainees have all different interests, but they all have one same goal to know more about working in their own field. Now let’s introduce them one by one! 

Sabina Bäck is a fourth-year computer science student at Åbo Akademi University. She wanted a summer traineeship and was searching for different tech companies in the Turku region. The company website gave Sabina an innovative and exciting impression, so she decided to apply. As a summer software trainee her role is to do testing and build CIs, she has already written tests and tested development boards. 

– It is always nice to come to the office since we have a relaxed and easygoing work environment here, says Sabina. 

After work Sabina enjoys being outside in the Finnish summer and go for a run or a walk in the forest. 

In the autumn Sabina starts her final year of studies and during this summer she hopes to gain a better understanding of embedded systems and software development.  

Eevi Tiittanen studies computer science and her studies include all kind of information around computer systems and networks. Eevi found out about Nextfour from LinkedIn and applied through the open application for summer trainees. Her daily tasks revolve around testing the Q Experience device, and she has participated also to the verification planning with other verification teams.

– Since it’s my first job in the field I want to gain as much information as possible about all kinds of things. I also wish to practice and learn new skills this summer, I think it’s good for my future to gain some real work experience, says Eevi about her plans. 

When Eevi has some free time, she likes to hang out with her friends, do arts and crafts, play computer games and watch tv-shows. 

Robert Kantero is currently pursuing his master’s degree in computer engineering. Robert was planning to go to work in Helsinki for the summer again, but one of his hockey teammates asked if he wanted to work for Nextfour. He was happy to do so, since it might lead to a job in his own field, and he could stay in Turku for the summer. 

-There’s a cool bunch of people here. Not too many to not know each other, but not too few to get tired of the same faces every day. The attitude is welcoming from the start, and it feels good coming to work, Roberts says about the atmosphere in Nextfour.  

Robert is officially a production worker, but he works mainly as a support agent for our Q Experience product line. He helps retailers as well as end customer with their questions about the displays and sees to fixing any potential issues with them.  

– I certainly see myself staying here after graduating given the chance, since I feel there will always be some project to keep my interest peaked, says Robert about his future plans. 

During his free time Robert likes to keep things active by taking part in diverse sports and different student boards. To balance it out he also enjoys a good video game or a movie. 

Kasperi Hallstedt started his studies in the open university of Turku where he performed basic studies in computer science. Good results got him accepted as a full-time student in the University of Turku where he now majors in computer science. Kasperi’s bachelor’s thesis is about obfuscation JavaScript and plans to focus on data-analytics for his master’s studies. 

According to Kasperi him finding Nextfour was pure luck:  

– I was searching trainee position from my field located in Turku area. Cool N4 logo caught my attention, offered position was spot on for me and finally companys wide and interesting portfolio made me write a job application, he says about the job search. 

Getting work experience gives Kasperi different perspective on many topics than studying in university can give. He looks forward to implementing working and studying more together in the future. 

Last, but not least we have Jerri Pinomäki who studies computer engineering in the University of Turku. He found out about Nextfour when he was searching for a software related summer trainee position. What really caught his eye was the tech stack mentioned in the job posting since all the technologies were either something Jerri had experience with or something he was eager to learn. Jerri is currently working as a software developer trainee in the cloud and mobile team.  

– I have really enjoyed the working environment here at Nextfour. People are very laid-back, and everything just works, Jerry says about his experience so far. 

On his free time Jerri likes to lift weights so heavy they almost make him pass out. He also really enjoys going out to the woods to throw plastic discs at trees (translation: frisbee golf) with his friends.  

We are excited to work with these talented people and give them everything they wish from their traineeship. If you also wish to be a part of the team, please check our available jobs or send an open application at 

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